Tuesday 14 October 2008


this is my first image manipulation, here i have crop out my body.

i added a gray background and painted over it with a brush 39, 74 and 192.

at this stage i duplicated my picture and used hue/ saturation to change my cloth and hair blue black .

and finally i applied some images.

Phase 1 - crop out my head out of the pic, changed my skin colour and added len flare.

added dark background

applied images to my head

and here the finished piece.

this is the begin of the manupulation, here i crop out my eyes and painted over my hand.
here i darkened the background of the image
added glowing eyes
added image on hand

and finally the finished piece

Image manipilation Research

For this project I looked at two art style

● Grunge Style

Below are some images from these two styles which inspired me in doing my own work.

these are expressionist style portraits, above is one of vincent Van Gosh Paintings, i like the brush strokes in his work. it creates a sense of direction .
expressionist portrait, this is one of Leon Kossoff's work, i like the sharp and bold lines in this art work, which gives the work a bit of life and emotion.

here is another one of van Gosh's work, i expectially like the bluish colour in this painting which creates a sense of calmnes.

gruge style women portrait, i like the way here eyes has been manipulated in this pic.

i like the splashed colour affect in this image.

the colour in this pic is excellent, makes it look old.

Monday 13 October 2008


Website- http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://politickles.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/help_political_cartoon.gif&imgrefurl=http://politickles.wordpress.com/2007/11/&h=358&w=525&sz=72&hl=en&start=5&um=1&usg=__ZuoIA3yzdN56RJJ6yxQfhP2J-70=&tbnid=6wMy1d17ajlvlM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpolitical%2Bcartoon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX

Artist comment -People are constantly saying that there is a political side to Star Wars. So we took the liberty of looking for the connection between Star Wars and the Middle East. Some connections are based on character, some are based on looks.
The event or issue that inspired these cartoons is to see if real world politic has any connection or comparison to Star Wars.
There are a lot of politicians in this cartoon, most of them which are Americans and terrorist e.g. Bush, Rice, Hillary, Saddam, Bin ladden, Samuel L Jackson, Tony Blair. There are no symbols in these political cartoons, all these cartoons are based on image comparison.
What the cartoonist is trying to portray here is to show people how similar the star Wars Political side is to the world politics and looking through these images below I do agreed with the cartoonist. My reason is that there are similarity, if you observer the picture closely you will notice most or some of the characters do look alike.

Is Hillary really the Emperor?
Cynthia McKinney is Jar Jar.

Is Saddam really Darth Maul?

Common Component:Looks, Character
Comments: He’s old and bald, so the visual connection is pretty clear. He’s wise and also a teacher. In addition he’s done his share of butt kicking.
R2D2 is Stephen Hawking

Common Component:LooksComments:Nothing really goes here; we just thought he looks like Jabba the Hutt.

But is Rice really Princess Leia?

Suicide Bombers = Stormtroopers.Couldn’t hit anything with a gun.

Bush is Luke.

Is bin Laden really Darth Vader?

Bush 41 makes a great Obi-Wan

Ewoks = Northern Alliance
Tom Daschle is Boba Fett
Date- 30/09/08
Cartoonist opinion - Hey, I love my old goat just as much as the next person… but this may be a bit over the top.

From - http://politickles.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/help_political_cartoon.gif
Date- 30/09/08
What issue is this political cartoon about?
This political issue is about the fact that Iran agreed in helping the USA with IRAQ
IRAN is depicted as a dangerous scorpion on top of a frog (USA) which is look surprise and feels unsafe that a scorpion is on its back.

What other opinion can you imagine another person having on this issue?
Others could feel USA shouldn’t be getting involved with other countries issues

Did you find this cartoon persuasive? Why or why not?
I do find this cartoon helpful in away that it tell us visually that IRAN is a dangerous country to be involved with.

What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?

He could add more text to make his massage clearer so people would understand better

From - http://www.countermilitary.org/PoliticalCartoons/militarycartoon.jpg
Date - 30/09/08
This is a political cartoon about the fact that it is hard to get a good job. It is also reflecting at what is going on in the present about countries at war and more people are needed at the army so it is much easier to be recruited by the army than it is for university graduate to find a job.
Cartoonist opinion- he thinks it is easier to find a war than a job
Another opinion that another person might have on this issue is that, it isn’t true that it’s hard to find a job than to join the army.
The persuasive techniques that this cartoonist used are exaggeration, Analogy, Irony
Exaggeration – he did this by characters clothing. From University graduate to the Army
Analogy – he compares the fact that finding a job is hard than joining the army.
I do find this political cartoon persuasive because it helps me to know about the situation of things in the world. Another technique that I think the cartoonist could have used to make the cartoon clearer is symbolism.


Micheal Jaskson was great back In the days but now he has to hide from Public, wonder how lt would be like lf he was an Undercover agent.


Always wanted to know how the world feels about a black President

Main Blog

Friday 10 October 2008

Political cartoon

This meant to be my thrid political cartoon which am not too sure of, Basically it about the Xfactor{Music show}. the two charaters that i focused on is simon and louis. what am trying to say through this cartoon is that simon is a unquie person, meaning he doesnt act like how most people would, making him an odd person unlike louis who is opposit to simon and most times on the show there Opinion conflict each other.

Political cartoon

This is the second political cartoon that i made which is about the presidential election that is going on in the State. the two characters in this are John Maccain and Barack Obama.

Political cartoons

This is my first political cartoon, which is about the credit crunch that is happening around us.